יום רביעי, 27 ביולי 2022

יום שני, 4 ביולי 2022

hanging by a thread

Dear Americans, I am afraid. We in Israel also have our fair share of religious fanatics who are full of hate, fueled by ignorance. I am afraid they will be inspired by the horrific decision of your supreme court. Israel has always looked up to the United States - the land of the free, but taking away bodily autonomy from more than half of your population is a disgrace and a crime against liberty and freedom. Evil people do not care about lives or logic or God. They only care about power and controlling others. They only want to use, hurt, and oppress anyone who is different. Some of them idealize the concept of a woman who suffers and dies for others, sacrificing her body and mind for a child. It is not sick or stupid. It is pure evil. They act deliberately and with a clear mind. And I know for sure that if there was a God who cared even a little bit about what us humans are doing on Earth, these evil people would be suffering from leprosy by now. And they'd beg for affordable health care. . . My best teachers told me that art is a very powerful tool. I am naive enough to believe them. Although as an individual from far away there is very little I can actually do in this matter, I hope this composition will move others and inspire them to create and deliver visual messages that might have some influence and together we will turn this one around.